On this page, I can have a summary of many different projects.   Pi, Arduino, ESP, Carl….etc.   A picture say of Carl and something like, “trying to build my assistant”.   The picture of Carl is clickable and would take me to a page devoted to Carl and progress.   I can explain at the top of the page that it’s a work in progress and that I will keep the page updated as I work on him.

The same would be true for say a motion detector with video that sends an SMS.   I’d have a picture on this summary page of the PI and maybe my cell phone and the picture would be clickable to a page that is dedicated to that project.   Again with the introduction explaining that it’s a work in progress and that I’d be updating it.

It would be nice to have some interaction with people following along.

Perhaps in the beginning I can just offer my email address and let them know that I welcome comments.